This article is for a person interested in a leadership role in the church/a.k.a, the Kingdom of God. The second group of people I want to talk to in this article are leaders or aspiring ones.

A specific group of people looking to transition into a leadership role but are afraid to move into their calling.

If you are currently a leader who would like to go to the next level in your work and love relationship with God, I want to share something that I have been doing for 22 years. 


Growing closer to God will help you to create the Life you long for

The purpose of this article is to provide some nourishment and fresh revelation on how to grow closer to God—enabling you to receive the kind of stimulation which fosters growth and development, bringing you closer to your creator and a stronger focus on your service for the Lord.

I have been in a leadership role for over 24 years, and at the inception of my calling, I had no idea of where God wanted me to work. But shortly after that, HE revealed that I was a Minister in His Plan. HE strategically sent the people assigned to me, strangers, people I had never met and did not know. I had no idea there were coming into my life. I became their pastor and overseer shortly after that. Through our prayer life, communication, and studying of God’s Word, my team and I discovered that we had the meager beginning of a prophetic ministry.

And then, a paradigm shift occurred. GOD sent us across the country to live in different cities and states on unique assignments. We realized God was using us as a secret weapon because no one knew that we were there on special covert missions except for the people that HE sent us to help


I Was Meeting God in a hotel.

A couple of days ago I went to the Fairmont Hotel, here in Austin Texas.  God told me to go to a hotel to be with HIM.  So, HE was calling me away to Himself, it was time for us to have some intimate time with just each other.  A place where HE could talk to me and I could settle down and have some time away from the people who I watch over and get away from the day to day operations as well as my husband. 

So, I jumped into my Hummer and drove downtown to the Fairmont, I checked in went up to my room and there is where I stayed. 

I  did not go there to enjoy the people or the hotel atmosphere, nor did I turn on the tv.  I was their solely to spend time with HIM. To hear what HE had to say, and to get what I needed. But always another level of intimacy.  HE never fails, and never ceases to amaze me.  I am a product of HIS unquenchable Love.  Each time I go I am reconfirmed of how important our intimacy is.  After all, He called me to this place.

If you want more intimacy with God follow these steps and you will be catapulted into a new life and walk with God.

This has become a shelter for me.  I started doing this in 1998 I would go to the Pocono Mountains with the ladies, where we would spend time alone in our rooms or cabins and commune with God in prayer.  We would just stay in there with HIM and if He told anything, or dropped a fresh Word in our spirits, we would share it at another time.  But it was really about God!

We wanted to know what was on the Heart of God. And when you get close to the Lord your willingness and sacrifice to establish a stronger connection with HIM by shows your Creator and God that HE is very important to you.

So, love on HIM because HE is always praying and loving on us!

Try setting aside some time to get away with HIM, take a weekend trip, and become absorbed by HIM. But if you are not financially able, consider booking a room in a hotel in your area. Pack a bag and tell God you will spend time with HIM ALONE, to share your heart with HIM. HE will meet you at the hotel and start the journey with you while locking your front door. I will never forget I left my apartment on my way to the hotel when I felt HIS Presence so strong. The divine intimacy had already begun. HE was giving me back what I was trying to give HIM.
All God ever wants is to be a part of your life. To be invited into every aspect of it. Your home, family, finances, your workplace, and career; all of it. It makes HIM feel wanted because HE is your Father! It is EVERYTHING to HIM. I MEAN EVERYTHING!!!! HE knows there is no failure in HIM. And HE will be there and never leave you.

To be a successful leader, you will need clarity, wisdom, and so much more. I suggest that you go to the Master Leader HIMSELF


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