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Are you ready to take your place in the kingdom?

Are you ready to take your place in the kingdom?

This article is about the new year, the new you, and most important, are you ready to take your seat in the kingdom of GOD?

I would like to take a few moments of your time. I know we are busy today. It is December 31, 2021, and tomorrow will be a new year. I want to say thank you to all of you who read my articles. I hope you gleaned some understanding and learned more about our creator and Father, eternal GOD.

I wrote the articles to help you grow closer to GOD. I want to share with you some of what’s getting ready to happen with this platform and in my life for GOD. Foremost, my entire life and everything I do is for my Lord and friend and hopefully, he’s yours as well. I breathe for him. Like the scripture says, “in him I live in, in him I move and have my being”. (

I’m so deeply in love with him and live in a certain atmosphere, one that I could have never ever been a part of if I did not know him. I’m writing a film that he told me to write, and its near completion. One of the reasons I am doing this is so fascinating.

When I was  a teenager I was writing a play. For me, it was exploration. Fiddling around and attempting to write books. I don’t know where any of those things are because that was a lot of years ago. However, that was just him giving me a small glimpse of what he would do 40 years later. I’ve actually published three books and a newspaper.

For the past 23 years, I have been The CEO and head prophet of the school of prophets. It has been a fantastic journey. I have seen miracles that were impossible for humanity, and I’ve taken journeys and lived in places I never would’ve ever desired.

After being an overseer for a few women who are still in the school of prophets with me today, I can say that I am beholden to GOD for using me to both inspire, teach, and train these magnificent women. We all came from different walks of life. None of us knew each other and were from different nationalities and ethnicities. It has been a great joy for me to teach and help prepare them for their prophetic offices and now he recently he told me that it’s time for me to expand the school of the prophets.

I have renamed the school and I’m putting up a website for anyone who GOD is calling to these distinctive positions. If you feel you know GOD is calling you or is stirring your spirit about a prophetic call and you need training and a covering, reach out to The Noel School of The Prophets. Our new website is currently under development, but the email is support@theNoelschool.org.

GOD is calling his sons and daughters to come back home to the kingdom of GOD. He’s raising up his children to be the modern-day prophets. The world is dark as you can see. With all of the things going on with COVID, and every other demonic ideology penetrated and downloaded into our society from the kingdom of darkness.

We need believers like yourself who the Shofar is sounding for to help the people who are in the world now. There are babies being born every day!

We need to overthrow the plans of darkness, so take your place in the kingdom today. Every prophetic person needs training while GOD has gifted you, you still need direction and knowledge on how to orchestrate those abilities and flow in them. There are other areas that you need to learn in order to be in the perfect will of GOD.

I’ll share a little of my story to help you understand what I’m saying.

As a child, I had a gift. I knew things about adults and other children, people, and places. My family did not know what it was, but as a kid, when I was just five years old, my sister used to use my gift at the racetrack to tell which horses were going to win. Some people call it foresight, clairvoyance, or psychic. But it really is none of those things. It is a gift GOD gives you. It’s up to you to get saved and get in his word and understand how he wants you to use it.

But that’s not what happened with my family because they really wouldn’t go to church. There was nobody to tell them what kind of gift their young daughter had so my sister prostituted the gift by using it to do things out of the will of GOD, such as gambling at the racetrack.

There would be times when she would take me to carnival and bazaars and have me tell her which numbers on the spinning wheel were going to win. Then when I started getting older and became a teenager, my focus was on boys, marriage, friends, school and becoming a nurse. So, I wasn’t focusing and paying attention to it.

It was somewhere around 27 years old when GOD drew me to him through a very dark and hurtful relationship that I was having with a man. He led me to go to a church because I was so brokenhearted and crying so much. It was there; GOD was waiting on me to save my life and to change me to offer me the solace that I needed.

My soul needed serious repair. He exposed and shared his love with me and broke the relationship up. I didn’t know it was him. I went back to New York City because the guy put me out, to my apartment that I had kept there. Thank GOD for that.

And then that’s where the turnaround happened. GOD started talking to me and told me to get my TV show, which I had from 1996 to 2000. He sent these women through that show. They were clients of mine from my TV show, I used to do readings for them. My gift increased suddenly and became very strong, and I started helping people on live TV, but people thought I was a psychic even though I told them emphatically I’m not a psychic. Psychics are not of GOD. The problem is when you tell that to one of them, they get defensive and feel you are attacking them. Some psychics you see out there are indeed charlatans. They’re not real, and they are just trying to coerce you and steal your money. But there are some psychics who really have a gift from GOD, but the devil got a hold of it and he’s using them and prostituting the gift. It’s those people that I wish would give their life to GOD by accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and submitting their gift to him.

The gift originated with GOD, he created and installed it in you for his purposes. He’s the only one who can direct and help you grow it.  He has raised up people who are prophets such as myself. I can help you develop it. If you ever read the scripture that the “spirits of the prophet are subject to the prophets.” (1 Corinthians 14:32)

Not only is this office relative, it is not an earthly office; it is a kingdom one. The Lord has tested me with the assignment to raise up prophets for GOD and I’ve been doing that for over 23 years successfully. GOD promoted me to the office of the Apostle, and I now sit in both offices.

It’s just like wearing two hats for a company, two titles if you would. It’s time for you to rise and take your rightful place to be used by your Savior. We have no more time for religiosity, and dogmatic man-made rules. Only genuine relationships with GOD. Ones where we heed to him and submit to his protocols.

This is a supernatural office.  There are believers – Christians who aren’t in fellowship in with GOD and have yet to know that there Is a calling on their lives because they’re sitting up in churches, in the middle of the pew, or the back row listening to preachers preaching, yet there’s no prophetic office in the pulpit or prophets to prophesy. So, these people are members of a church that’s development is lopsided. There are many reasons why churches don’t invite prophets or haven’t installed the prophetic position in the ministry they oversee. Some say prophets don’t exist anymore. That is erroneous doctrine because the scripture says:

“Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men”. Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.

‘And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;”

For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

“Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of GOD, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:” Ephesians 4:8-10

It was the Lord Jesus who gave the fivefold ministry four positions currently recognized and accepted amongst the entire body of the church. Why don’t all churches accept the prophet and believe that they exist? Well, I will not tell you about the reasons in this article, but you can’t cut out one and leave the other four, it makes little sense. Especially since he said he left them here until the whole body comes to edification. Are we all mature and edified?

No. So the prophet is still necessary and still being called by GOD. And you may be a prospective prophet or a prophetic person with a gift of prophecy. If you are, this is your time. The Lord has been telling me that the Rapture is coming. Let’s do GOD’s business until he comes. The Lord bless you, my friend.





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