• Imagine if you woke up and you could not see. Your eyes were open, but …
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  • We live in a dark world, and we must expect the unexpected to arise. Even …
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  • This topic may be unbelievable to some of you, but it is true. The only …
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  • Your thoughts and mind are under attack.   What is controlling your thoughts right now? …
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    Prayer is the conversation that changes things. Unfortunately too many of us don’t know how vital and important prayer is to our lives.

    So I created a blog to teach people how to pray. For those of us who know the fundamental concepts of prayer, I want to teach you how to go deeper using prayer to completely revolutionize your life.

    It doesn’t cost you anything to pray.

    Even if you’ve never prayed before, I’m going to teach you how to pray in a way that is almost like the yellow brick road of life.

    So check out the articles on this blog because there’s something here for everybody including your family, your friends and your enemies.

    Nothing happens in this world without prayer. Unfortunately, a lot of people do not know that. Prayer is a concept and a catalyst designed by God.  So if you want to talk to your Creator, this is the diagram on how to do it.  Read More

    How to Help Keep Your Community Murder Free

    This article will teach you how to take preventative steps and what to do to help keep your community and neighborhood murder-free. I know this may be a strange or uncomfortable discussion to have today. Murder is a scary topic. The reality is that Murder is going on around us every day in quiet tiny communities and neighborhoods, places with people you…
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    Dealing With Your Enemy Through Prayer

    This article will teach you how to handle an enemy, those known and unknown, effectively. Usually, when a person knows they have an enemy, they turn and intensely focus on them even if nothing is said. They think, why is this person my enemy? Sometimes, they wonder what they did, especially if they don’t feel that they’ve done anything to warrant this…
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    Prayer Has a Particular Knock

    If you ever wondered if prayer works or if God is even listening to your prayer, this is the article for you. Over the past 23 years, I have taught the leaders under me that excavation is one of the most expedient processes used in growth and development in the kingdom of God. GOD expects us to have fruit on…
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    The Prophetic the House of Power

    Have you ever asked God for Something specific that you wanted? Something out of your reach, a dream or goal, but you could not attain on your own. A few days before the memorial day weekend, I have translated it into my new assignment. Michael and I walked into the unknown, and right before us was a manifest of the…
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    You Are What You Eat

    Well, that’s a good question and it is one everyone in this world wants to know the answer to.
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